πŸ”ƒUpdating Theme

We also update the themes to resolve any bug fixes and add more features.

There are 3 methods for installing your WordPress theme: Easiest, Envato Market or via FTP

Envato Market (recommend)

Envato has released a plugin named Envato Market that can be used from your WordPress dashboard to manage all of your themes and plugins purchased from ThemeForest and Codecanyon.


First download the latest version of the theme by going to your ThemeForest account, the Downloads section. Locate the theme, click on Download button and select the β€œInstallable WordPress file only” option.

Navigate to Appearance β†’ Themes and click the Add New button. Then click Upload Theme.

Select the downloaded theme archive on your hard drive and click Install Now.


  1. Download the theme-name.zip from ThemeForest and unzip it

  2. Use FTP or SFTP to access your domain (if you're not sure how your webhost would typically provide guidance on their site)

  3. Browse to wp-content/themes/theme-name

  4. Delete and override the un-zipped theme-name folder

Please be aware that we are not responsible for any loss of content, errors, and the leaks that may occur if your WordPress theme update is installed incorrectly!

Last updated